Three works conducted at the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), in Campinas, were awarded at the 16th Analytical Chemistry National Meeting, held in Campos do Jordao, between October 23 and 26.
The work “Manufacture of eletrodes on printed circuit board for oscillometric detection on microchips of electrophoresis” ,performed by Gerson Francisco Duarte Jr., User of the Microfabrication Laboratory (LMF), under Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro guidance (from the Goias Federal University Chemistry Institute), was awarded with the 1st place in best works ranking.
The study demonstrated the economic advantages and technical versatility of the printed circuit boards (PCB) usage in electrodes manufacture for C4D on microchips of electrophoresis made in polyester-toner and PDMS/Glass.
Two other studies were awarded honorable mentions. In ” Colorimetric microfluidic paper based device for iron analysis”, the LMF trainee, Caio Soares, built a low-cost portable colorimeter to quantify the colorimetric tests, under supervision of Danielle Ferreira and Angelo Gobbi and supported by Carlos Scorzato.
The same study that used paper based microfluidic devices to quantify the presence of iron, had already been awarded during the XXXII Brazilian Congress of Vaccum Applications on the Industry and Science, held in Itajubá, in August.
It was also awarded the work “Determination of paracetamol in medicine with paper-based microfluidic device with amperometric detection”, perfomed by Leandro Shiroma, from Unicamp Chemistry Institute, under supervision of Lauro T. Kubota and LMF cooperation. He described a method to detect and quantify paracetamol and 4-aminophenol in drug samples using paper-based devices.