05/2009 – Synchrotron Radiation News
The 19th User’s Meeting of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) was held in Campinas on February 9-10, 2009. The meeting, co-chaired by LNLS researcher Flvio Garcia and by Prof. Pedro Nascente (Federal University of So Carlos, UFSCar), attracted more than 390 LNLS users, who showed their latest results using the LNLS synchrotron beamlines and other LNLS open facilities in oral presentations and poster sessions. Plenary sessions were presented by Dr. Peter Fischer (from the Lawrence Berkeley Lab), who talked about magnetic soft X-ray microscopy and nanoscale magnetic imaging, and by Prof. Antonio Rubens B. de Castro (from the University of Campinas – UNICAMP and LNLS), who described recent research results on the dielectric function of individual nanocrystals obtained from scattering of short light pulses. Finally, a third plenary session was delivered by LNLS researcher Mario Murakami, who talked about potential targets for drug design among hemostatically active proteins.
Authors: Pedro F. Tavares; Caio Lewenkopf; Flávio Garcia
Affiliation: LNLS