CNPEM abre inscrições para workshop sobre enzimas para biorrenováveis
3ª edição da série Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology (IBSB) acontece entre os dias 7 e 8 de junho, de forma online; evento será gratuito e tem vagas limitadas Sob…
3ª edição da série Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology (IBSB) acontece entre os dias 7 e 8 de junho, de forma online; evento será gratuito e tem vagas limitadas Sob…
Enzymes for Biorenewables is part of a workshop series (Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology – IBSB) promoted by the Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory, from the Brazilian Center for Research in…
Enzymes for Biorenewables is part of a workshop series (Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology – IBSB) promoted by the Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory, from the Brazilian Center for Research in…
Enzymes for Biorenewables is part of a workshop series (Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology – IBSB) promoted by the Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory, from the Brazilian Center for Research in…